「希望の光」という名のネパールの寺子屋("Rays of Hope" Tutoring Centre in Nepal)

 *** English version below ***


このメッセージから何を感じましたか? すべてのドアが閉ざされる…どのような状況を思い浮かべるでしょうか。








Probably a math text book of Nepali. Being illiterate because of missing primary education, a lady in 20s who are affected by leprosy and has a baby cannot write as well as read very well, but now studies. She showed me the materials with body languages and big smiles. - at Anandaban hospital. (おそらくネパールの算数の教科書。ある20代の子持ちのハンセン病の女性は初等教育を逃し読み書きができず、いま勉強している。ジェスチャーととびきりの笑顔で教材を見せてくれた。- アナンダバン病院にて)





Rays of hope was temporaly built since the enormous earthquake damaged on his house, where he run tutoring centre previously in Khokana.(コカナの旧寺子屋であった彼の家(部屋)は地震の影響を受けたので、寺子屋「希望の光」は一時的に仮設された。)








There is no lights, desks and chairs. The children study on the floor or their laps under natural sunlight. (ライトも椅子や机も揃っていない。子どもたちは陽の光のもと、床や膝の上で勉強している。)





IDEA Japan*1という日本のハンセン病患者会不定期に彼の活動に2017年から寄付をしてくださっています。その後の寺子屋の様子を今後ブログでお伝えしていけたらと思います。



Bikash distributed bas, shoes, uniforms and notebooks with donation from IDEA Japan. The smiles of the children made him, colony and IDEA Japan members happy! (ビカッシュ君はIDEA Japanの寄付金でカバン、靴、制服、ノートなどを子どもたちに配りました。彼も、コロニーのみんなも、IDEA Japan のメンバーも子どもたちの笑顔がみられて嬉しい。)




*** English version ***

Education is only the key to success where all the doors are closed.

 How do you feel from this message? All the doors are closed... what kind of situation do you imagine...? 


Why did he start?

The first sentence was wrriten on the report edited by my Nepali friend called Bikash. He has launched a tutoring centre for children, particularly for the kids who have parent(s) affected by leprosy in Nepal since January 2015. The name of the tutoring center is "Rays of Hope". Why did he start?

He also has parents who are affected by leprosy, and had hardships when he went through taking education and success personally. His parents had physical injuries and disabilities due to leprosy on their hands and foot, they could not write by one hand even though they wished to teach him.

Since the parents who are affected by leprosy cannot afford to pay high tuition fee, their children in the colony usually go to public school rather than private or bording school. Even if the child does not have desease, he or she is usually bullied, and cannot stand at the same start line as same as others. Namely it is assumed that they are lacking of belongings such as uniforms, bags, shoes and stationaries. Therefore, Bikash launched the toturing centre called "Rays of Hope"  at his tiny room because he realised that there are inarequate welfare in the colony through the days that he observed and influenced in the community of leprosy in Khokana for 25 years. 

After the shool, he provide classes to follow the kids who have questions of what they learn from the shool. He believes that education will change their life and future for a long period of time. He hopes Ray of Hopes will be the place of learning and playing for the kids in order to take actions independently for better life of people who are affected by leprosy someday.



Bikash is just only 25 year old man, who is enthusiastic to empower the kids in leprosy colony in Nepal, Kathmandu. He stated three outcomes of the intervention "Rays of Hopes": 1. the kids in the colony can make friends in other community, 2. Those who are affected by leprpsy do not take finantial burden of eduation, 3. The doners and people who are working together will obtain happines of growth of kids in the colony. If the kids felt their situaiton like all the doors closed in the past, hopefully they will be able to find rays of hopes in the dark now.

IDEA Japan*2 which is a group of people who were affected by leprosy in Japan has donated Bikash's activities irreguraly since 2017. At the moment things are on going stages, so I'm hoping you'll get information about the Rays of hope here.


Say hello to us!

If you hope to follow or participate in his activities, please leave the message! I just start off with sharing the information, and I will work with you - cannot wait until it's steadily running! Excited to listen to this inspiring challenges by the enthusiastic local youth. I'm proud of his regilience and courage. Lastly, I will quote an African proverb, "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you go far, go together." Why don't you join us as it seems a long journey - we are reassured with the cooperation from you guys.