Anandaban leprosy Hospital

Anandaban Leprosy Hospital アナンダバン病院


The hospital is charity hospital provides Leprosy patients with reconstructive surgery; undergoing intensive physiotherapy; rehabilitation to return to their community. Leprosy patients can recieve treatment for free. General patients also use this hospital. Every morning, they start a day with the daily church service, medics and nurses attend from 8.30am. 



Home - Leprosy Mission (Accessed 7th of May)



(A small rural village, Lele and the hospital, a valley of Kathmandu. We can find cleaner air here rather than at centre of Kathmandu.)


The relationship between Japan and Nepal regarding this hospital 


I will mention two stories between Japan and Anandaban leprosy hospital, from one of the Japanese who were affected by leprosy and here.

First story is about Japanese medical staff: Dr. Yoh Yuasa, a Japanese doctor who contributed to Leprosy patients in Nepal. Unfortunately, he was dead in last year 2016, though. People who are affected by leprosy miss him. Two Japanese nurses who worked here were also adored among the patients.




Dr. Yo Yuasa | People |  (Accessed  5th May 2017)


Second one is about a Japanese organization: Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation also supports this hospital. ”Are you Japanese? From Sasakawa?” - These are frequent questions from the hospital staff...


WHOハンセン病制圧大使ニューズレター|公益財団法人笹川記念保健協力財団  (Accessed  5th May 2017)



(At the training centre, a poster of the declaration for leprosy elimination 2007.)


The hospital aim 

"Anandaban Hospital makes a world of difference not only in curing people of leprosy, but enabling them to return to full participation in their communities. "




My interest 

What kinds of support are implemented to achieve the aim of this hospital...? For patients, what is the definition of "full participation in their communities"? I am interested in the stories of context of this in Nepal, and I'd like to ask them their image of full participation in their community since it would be visualised in their mind to keep their motivation to heal. I hope I can learn Nepali little by little in order to communicate with them, since most of them only speak Nepali:) 




(Self-care unit for rehabilitation - the home setting of patients have been reproduced! They are provided practice education for self-care.)


(The end)