IDEA Nepal

I visited the office of International Association for Integration, Dignity and Economic advancement (IDEA) Nepal on the third floor of Patan Clinic in Patan, which is an historical and beautiful city in Kathmandu last month. The president, Mr. Amar Bahadur Timalsina explained his organization and current situation.

パタンというカトマンズの歴史ある美しい都にある、パタンクリニック(アナンダバン病院のクリニック)の3階にあるIDEA Nepal のオフィスに先月訪問しました。代表のアマールさんから、お話をうかがったのでご紹介します。


(Machindranath, the festical to pray for rain in Patan.)


IDEA Nepal


IDEA Nepal has been working for mainly two activities: raising awareness and advocacy regarding dignity of people affected by leprosy since 1998. It is a democratic organization which consists of those who are affected by leprosy and their family members regardless of any religions. IDEA Nepal has approximately 1,500 members. Only a person affected by leprosy can be a president of IDEA Nepal. A current president of IDEA Nepal, Mr. Amar is also a person who was affected by leprosy when he was 12 years old. He is a president of private school in Nepal as well.

IDEA Nepalは主に二つの活動をしています:ハンセン病の啓蒙活動と、ハンセン病にかかった人たちの尊厳に関するアドボカシー(権利擁護)活動を1998年から行っています。IDEA Nepalは民主的な組織で、宗教に関係なく、ハンセン病にかかった人か、ハンセン病にかかった家族を持つ家族員によって構成されています。現在、1,500人くらいのメンバーがおり、代表にはハンセン病にかかった人のみなることができます。現在の代表はアマールさんで、彼も12歳のときにハンセン病にかかりました。また、彼は私立の学校の校長先生でもあります。



(The Patan clinic, a clinic of Anandaban hospital. )


(The office)

Activities 活動

  1. Targets: local media such as radio, general people, medical professions, students, people who are affected by leprosy, Ministry of Health, guests from other countries etc.



  1. Activities:
    1. World Leprosy day on 11th of March. 世界ハンセン病デー(3月11日)
      They asked a head of Ministry of Health of helps to underpin the leprosy policy in Nepal. They invited guests and asked them support etc.


    2. Secondary school education  中学校教育

      A person affected by leprosy comes to provide their stories regarding the disease at class. After the local election on 14th of May 2017, they will launch it from Mr.Amar’s school, Amardeep Secondary School. Although there is no curriculum in terms of raising awareness of leprosy, they will promote it should be integrated into the school curriculum in Nepal. He believes the future will be changed if children have right knowledge about leprosy.

      ハンセン病にかかった人が闘病経験を授業で公演する活動。2017年5月14日の地方選挙の後、彼らはアマールさんが校長を務めるAmardeep 中等学校からこの活動を始めるそうです。現行のカリキュラムにはハンセン病の啓発活動の内容が含まれていませんが、彼らはネパールの学校カリキュラムに統合されるべきだと奨励しています。アマールさんは子どもたちがハンセン病の正しい知識を持てば、将来が変わると信じています。

    3. School textbooks 学校の教科書

      They attempt to change the conventional stereotype of a person who affected by leprosy with putting success stories of them. 

    4. Empowerment toward people who affected by leprosy  

      They tried to encourage to them to have an opportunity to share their stories to others. “Don’t afraid to give your testimony”, he usually tells them. 

    5. Earthquake support 震災支援

      They visited about 400 residences of people affected by leprosy after the earthquake on 25th of April 2015 one by one in order to confirm their safety. Internet, Facebook and twitter were hardly used among them, so visiting houses was the only one method reliable on. IDEA Nepal’s team provides the amount of 14,260 Nepali Rupees as “Emergency Relief”  to needy affected people after the door to door visit in the support of Sasakawa Meomorial Health Fundation. Most of their accommodations were partially destroyed or completely destroyed. Therefore, IDEA Nepal requested  to The Leprosy Mission Nepal (TLM) Nepal for reconstruction of 30 houses.

      2015年4月25日の大地震のあと、ハンセン病の患者の家を400軒、一つ一つ足を運んで、安否の確認をしに行ったそうです。IDEA Nepal は笹川記念保健協力財団の支援を受けて、14,260ネパールルピーの震災支援援金を訪問後に必要な人たちへ提供したそうです。インターネットやFacebooktwitterなどを使っている人はほとんどいないので、足だけが頼りだったとのこと。半壊、全壊した家がたくさんあったため、IDEA NepalはThe Leprosy Mission Nepal (TLM) に30軒の再建築に関する資金援助を依頼したそうです。

    6. International board ハンセン病の国際会議

      Mr. Amar has important roles in as both’s International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) advisory Panel of People Affected by Leprosy and Leprosy Mission International’s Board in this year.

      アマールさんは、世界救らい団体連合(ILEP)のハンセン病快復者諮問委員会員と、Leprosy Mission International’s 委員会員に今年選ばれ、ますますの活躍が期待されています。

    7. Difficulty that they confronted 資金集めが困難

      They are asking support toward Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation now. Leprosy Mission England and Wales supported for the last three years. Leprosy Mission Nepal also gives support. IDEA Nepal is struggling to obtain support.

      3年間、The Leprosy Mission (TLM) England and Walesにサポートしてもらっていたそうです。また、TLM Nepalにも支援してもらっていますが、笹川記念保健財団にも依頼しているそうです。

      Although they consider starting their scholarship programme for children affected leprosy as well as children who have parents who affected leprosy, they face difficulty to obtain enough money for now. Please contact with IDEA Nepal if you are interested in their financial support. (As I get further information, I will upload it.)

      IDEA Nepalはハンセン病にかかった子どもたちと両親がハンセン病にかかっている子どもたちの奨学金制度を始めようとしていますが、十分な資金が集まっていない状況だそうです。もし、資金援助のご関心がありましたら、IDEA Nepalにコンタクトをとってみてください(さらなる情報がわかり次第、アップします)。 (Accessed 2nd of June 2017)

  2.  His childhood story regarding Anandaban

    He was rejected by his village and could not continue taking education at school since he was diagnosed as leprosy at 12 year-old. He admitted into Anandaban Hospital for his treatment, and he was affected by strong pain caused by leprosy reaction. He could not sleep well due to the pain mentally as well as physically, he was so sad. Sister Miyazaki (nurse) listened to his voice and understood his pain and elicited his real need, so he could continue to study at school in Kathmandu on behalf of his village’s school. He said thanks to Anandaban hospital, he could go back to school again. “If I did not study at that time, I could not do current work. Now no one does not marginalise me in my village since I was able to overcome the disease, and I became a head teacher of secondary school and president of IDEA Nepal with pride”, he said. He took a great effort to learn; currently he became a head teacher of secondary private school in Kathmandu, and president of IDEA Nepal. He usually tells the story that meeting sister Miyazaki has changed his life.  

    アマールさんは12歳の時にハンセン病にかかり、村の人々から差別を受けていました。アナンダバン病院に治療のために入院し、らい反応(*)の痛みに苦みました。痛くて眠れず、とても辛かったそうです。アナンダバン病院の看護師のミヤザキさんという方がらい反応による痛みを理解してくれたそうです。アナンダバン病院のおかげでカトマンズの学校に行くことができ、一生懸命努力を重ね、いまや私立の小学校の先生になり、IDEA Nepalの代表になることができました。「あの時教育を受けていなかったら、今の仕事についていなかったでしょう。いま私は病気を克服して、小学校の先生とIDEA Nepal の代表になり、誇りをもって仕事をしているので、誰も村で私を差別する人はいません。」とおっしゃっていた。ミヤザキ看護師さんのお話は、アマールさんの人生を変えた人としてよく講話しているそうです。



    (Mr.Amar’s activities were reported on Nepali health magazines.)



  3. Laws regarding Leprosy in Nepal  ハンセン病隔離について

    The compulsory Segregation Policy on Leprosy in Nepal was abolished 20 years ago, but superstitions still exist.

    Nepali laws allow leprosy as a ground for divorce. He was offered to sign divorce papers since he was affected by leprosy at his orphanage even though he was cured. He was shocked and explained the existing stigma associated by leprosy still now. IDEA Nepal will suggest advocacy regarding to the law, since it would affect next generation of people who affected by leprosy due to social stigma associated with leprosy. According to Sujata, the coordinator of IDEA Nepal, not only leprosy, but also visually impaired and deaf are allowed as a ground for divorce in Nepal. IDEA Nepal has been making an objection to the Nepali government in terms of this social inequity due to disease and disability.


    ネパールではハンセン病を理由に離婚が法的にできるのだそうです。治癒したのにも関わらず、最初の妻から離婚を申し立てられたのはとてもショックだったとのことでしたが、まだハンセン病の社会的差別があることをご自身のお話を引き合いにして説明してくださいました。IDEA Nepalのコーディネーター・スジャータさんによると、ハンセン病だけでなく、視力や聴力に障がいがある場合も、ネパールでは法的な離婚の理由になるそうです。IDEA Nepalは病気や障がいによるこの社会不平等について、異議申し立てをネパール政府にしているところだそうです。

    (*)Lepla reactions are immunological mediated acute or sub-acute inflammation episodes during the course of leprosy. Clinical signs are nerve pain, high fever, loss of sensation. The symptoms may rapidly manifest sever and irreversible nerve damage, so it must be treated immediately. 


    WHO Model Prescribing Information: Drugs Used in Leprosy: Treatment of lepra reactions (Accessed 2nd of June 2017)

Impresions 感想

I was surprised that Nepali laws allow leprosy as a ground for divorce. Education among children has been developing in Nepal, but I found some children still work during daytime in weekday, when the time children go to school normally. I felt leprosy issue is a deep-rooted problem since Mr.Amar is still struggling the social stigma associated by leprosy due to caste system and superstition. The healthcare staff will be required to provide mental and spiritual support based on understanding their hardships. As compared to magnitude of religion between Nepal and Japan, Nepali one is much larger than Japanese one since life and relationship with families would be affected by religions. Therefore, I appreciate this opportunity to realise it through Nepalise.





(Lepra reactions ward called "Shanti ward" at Anandaban Hospital. "Shanti" means "peace" in Nepali. The hospital named the leprosy wards with different nicknames like Shanti since leprosy sounds discriminated. Look forward to tell you another nicknames at some points! :) )


  • Biograpy

  1. The Leprosy Mission New Zealand (2017) Awareness and Empowerment - Leprosy Mission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2017].
  2. International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) (2017) International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2017]
  3. Disabled People’s International in collaboration with the Nippon foundation and national cantre for promotion of employment for disabled people (2015) National Conference on Leprosy and Disability 30th& 31st January, 2015 Report.
  4. Kumar, S. (1964). Nepal's New Legal Code. Unknown: The social and political development of Nepal, pp.62-64.
  5. Kieran Guilbert; Editing by Astrid Zweynert (2017). Laws deny leprosy sufferers right to work, travel, marry: study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2017]

(The end)